About Us

At COACH+, our values guide everything we do. These values are deliberately chosen. We remain intentional about demonstrating them.



Context matters. A lot. Whether it’s location, culture, history, language, sport, gender, or any other factor, context will consistently be considered.

In Service of Others

We dedicate ourselves to putting others first, always.

Candour With Compassion

We are sincere. We speak the truth, even when it takes us beyond our comfort zone.


“Clear is kind. Unclear is unkind.”

– Brené Brown


Everyone’s unique ideas, backgrounds, and perspectives are valued.


We are hyper-focused on developing new ways to approach problems. We use creative thinking, optimism and workarounds that can change the world for coaches.


We are deeply committed to our core values. We express these values through key behaviours in all our relationships.

We Are Relentless

It’s what we are. We relentlessly improve. Serving the needs of our coaches means keeping up at all times. Our industry partners know us as a group of people who only look forward, always with the view of improvement.

We Make It About Coaches

At every step of the way, we will always make it about the coaches. We’ll push them to the front of the line. Every person has limitless potential to be amazing, and we will not be convinced otherwise.

We Embrace Disruption

We embrace disruption for good. We create ways of doing things that displace many of the existing practices.

We Remain Curious

Questions are more valued than statements. Being curious makes us more effective and valued by coaches and organizations. This always puts the coaches first.

We Lean Into The Chaos

Our people lean into the chaos of coaching. We are not stressed with the many moving parts coaches are managing; we understand and help manage them.

We Prioritize Relationship Building

We build genuine relationships that facilitate, embrace and drive change. It can’t be about the information. At this time in history, information is a commodity. We believe developing relationships is the fundamental starting point for progress.

I feel privileged to have been afforded the opportunity to work alongside Glenn within a number of different coaching realms. A passionate coach and coach developer for many years, Glenn is an outstanding individual with a strong character. His ability to lead, and his rapport with those around him is exceptional. He has been an invaluable resource and mentor— and I highly recommend Glenn and the COACH+ team!

Craig Watson

Amateur Sport Coordinator, Government of Prince Edward Island

COACH+ provides some of the most holistic and valuable coach development opportunities imaginable. They exhibit growth mindset every day and will challenge you, understand your challenges and opportunities, and most importantly, grow with you along the way.

Matt Allen

Assistant Coach, USA Men's National Softball, Executive Director, CurlON


Reimagining and realizing the full potential of leaders.


To diverse communities of leaders, we are the fire-starters of learning and drivers of relentless improvement. We are global leaders and local champions. We love leaders. We do more than provide information to leaders. We invest energy in leaders. Our deep passion for leaders is reflected in their ongoing commitment to advance their practice.


We are committed to fostering an environment of equity, diversity, and inclusion in everything we do—from our team and work to our collaborations with clients. Diverse perspectives and experiences of those around us fuel our creativity and drive us to be open to fresh ideas. By embracing and celebrating our differences, we create a space where everyone feels welcomed, respected, and supported. We strive to provide equal resources and opportunities, empowering every individual to express their true selves, thrive, and contribute fully to our collective success.

COACH+ founder Glenn Cundari is a leader in coach development, with great experience and success helping coaches in different sports, contexts and cultures. Whether you’re a coach looking to grow your skills or an organization looking to strengthen your coaching workforce, COACH+ can help you, and your athletes will thank you!

John Bales

President, International Council of Coaching Excellence